Essential Oil Lemon 12ml


91 in stock

100% pure Essential Oil of Lemon (citrus limonum)

Uses: Lemon Essential Oil, as with most citrus oils, is a good cleaner inside and out. Inhalation, baths,  massage and for use in skincare formulations for oily skin. Evaporated in a diffuser it will help colds and act as an insect repellent. 100% pure Essential Oil of Lemon (citrus limonum)

Therpeutic uses: Lemon is highly antiseptic and astringent so is naturally used for skin complaints including boils, warts and veruccas. Also good for lowering blood pressure, colds, digestive problems, fever and gallstones.

Origins: Its astringent and antiseptic properties were fully appreciated in the first aid kit being used to treat cuts, bruises and insect bites. Early seafarers stocked up on lemons before along voyage to help prevent scurvy and to purify the ship’s drinking water.

We only stock cold pressed or steam extracted essential oils -(never solvent extracted)

Cautionary Note: NEVER apply pure essential oil directly to the skin. Avoid mucus membranes (eyes/nose/mouth). Always consult with a Qualified Medical or Natural Therapy Practitioner before using essential oils for medicinal purposes.


SKU: LEMO Category:

Additional information

Weight 0.080 kg


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